The more Fist Pumps the Better the movie!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Prometheus Review


Rating: R
B.J. Rating: PG-13

Let me start off by saying, you are in for quiet an ending if you are a big fan off mystery horror/outer space thrillers.

The movie is about an hour and a half long, and it is based in outer space on a planet they believe to have clues or proof of our creators or creator.

This movie is definitely a thriller and very fun to watch. And if you have seen any other film taking place in outer space you start to see similarities, which is very awesome since the end will be an "awe" moment.
It starts out explaining the purpose of their travel and their objective of when they land.
And starts to build up with drama and conflicts within the ship. Weird and crazy events start to happen once they start to figure things out and dig deeper into the place they have landed.

And the thrills just start getting bigger and bigger, you definitely don't see anything coming. I love the fact that it always keeps you guessing and keeps you at the edge of your seat.
I highly recommend this film to Sci-Fi movie lovers and Thriller/Horror junkies.

The rating I give this film is PG-13 taking into consideration the language and violence. There is no nudity in the film, there are few bad words, and overall not to violent but enough to keep you very entertained.

B.J. Rating - 2 1/2 Stars


  1. Prometheus was actually not a bad movie at all. I was expecting it to be one of those where it tries to be so different but ends up being the same old story line as another but the crapy "fall asleep" version. I did like the ending especially because it just puts puzzle pieces together. Only negative feedback I would give is that it was a lot to explain in such a short time. Although, I am one of those that loves longer movies.
